Brand new and not on market yet, but coming soon. Expected MSRP $14.00
This cigar is a factory overrun.
A factory overrun happens on every order of cigars. If you were to order 100,000 cigars, the factory would make 105,000 cigars. This gives the factory some buffer room to cover the cigars that do not pass all the quality control stages. Let’s say on your order, only 1,500 cigars were not good enough. The factory is left with 3,500 cigars that were good enough to go in your order, but you did not order. The smart thing, they could offer you the 3,500 cigars, but instead they just put those 3,500 on a shelf and don’t know what to do with them. That’s where we come in. We buy them at a discounted rate and get them imported to the US and pass them on to you!
Brand: The Cigar Mule
Strength: Unknown
Size: 7.5 x 38
Country of Origin: NicaraguaWrapper: HabanoBinder: IndonesiaFiller: Nicaragua
Updated by TORO on: 08-10-2024 12:05:19 PM
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